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Jason Crawford
4 min
Everything Costs You Something
The thing is, innocence exists with a lack of knowledge about the world around you. But it's cousin is naivety. It's always a sad thing to r
Jason Crawford
2 min
Everything Has a Season
I recently lost a deep friendship. We're talking years in the making, through thick and thin, saw no end in sight kind of friendship. I...
Jason Crawford
4 min
You Gotta Be Your Favorite Person
I woke up this morning and went to my regular networking meeting, something I do weekly that I haven't been able to do for two weeks...
Jason Crawford
1 min
Everybody Has Bad Days
Everybody has bad days. There is a difference between that and the continual barrage of negative emotions that weigh on us and empty us...
Jason Crawford
1 min
Attitude is a Choice
Today I was working out, and I have not been feeling well lately. I've been struggling. Then a thought popped into my head that was...
Jason Crawford
3 min
Why Self-Discipline is NOT Force of Will Power
I haven't written in a while, but something has been on my mind lately. I was reading a book that was talking about discipline. The...
Jason Crawford
3 min
Why Go To a Buffet to Eat Out of the Toilet?
It seemed like they weren't really listening. So I did it. We're all eating sh*! because that's what we go looking for.
Jason Crawford
5 min
Language is Everything - Part 3
Language is Everything. There's something to be said about Henry Ford's quote: "Whether you believe you can or you can't, you're right."...
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